New Delhi. India today said all its 18,000 nationals in Libya are safe but issued an advisory asking citizens to avoid non-essential travel to that country which is being rocked by unprecedented protests against the Muammar Gaddafi regime that reportedly left nearly 100 people dead.
"All Indians, numbering around 18,000, are safe in Libya. We are following the situation closely. Presently, disturbances have mainly been reported in north-eastern region of Benghazi, Derna, Baida and Turbuk," the official spokesperson of the ministry of external affairs said.
He said in view of the prevailing situation, Indian nationals are advised to avoid non-essential travel to Libya, for the present.
He also said the Indian embassy in Tripoli has set up a round-the-clock control room, which can be contacted for information and assistance.
Protesters in Libya have been demanding ouster of Gaddafi, who has been in power for 42 years. According to rights groups, security forces have reportedly killed nearly 100 anti-regime protesters in the last one week.
New Delhi. India today said all its 18,000 nationals in Libya are safe but issued an advisory asking citizens to avoid non-essential travel to that country which is being rocked by unprecedented protests against the Muammar Gaddafi regime that reportedly left nearly 100 people dead.
"All Indians, numbering around 18,000, are safe in Libya. We are following the situation closely. Presently, disturbances have mainly been reported in north-eastern region of Benghazi, Derna, Baida and Turbuk," the official spokesperson of the ministry of external affairs said.
He said in view of the prevailing situation, Indian nationals are advised to avoid non-essential travel to Libya, for the present.
He also said the Indian embassy in Tripoli has set up a round-the-clock control room, which can be contacted for information and assistance.
Protesters in Libya have been demanding ouster of Gaddafi, who has been in power for 42 years. According to rights groups, security forces have reportedly killed nearly 100 anti-regime protesters in the last one week.
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